# Getting Started
# Requirements
You must have an active Agent Response (opens new window) subscription.
All plans with the exception of 'Essential Email' have access to the API.
# Getting your authentication token
Once logged in to your active Agent Response account, go to the API Settings (opens new window) page and create a token.
You can give your token any name, e.g. Zapier Integration Token
if you're planning on using our api with Zapier (opens new window).
# Getting data for a specific office
Many of our API endpoints accept an office_id
parameter. To find out the office id, go to the API Settings (opens new window) page and look under the Office IDs section.
# Testing authentication
Once you have retrieved your API token. Confirm that it is correct by using the test credential endpoint.
# Endpoint
# Required Params
: Your API token
# Optional Params
: The office you wish to get data for. For most endpoints this means retrieving data for all offices available to the user.
- cURL
- Ruby
## Test Credentials Duplicate
curl "https://app.agentresponse.co.uk/api/test-credentials?api_token=YOUR_API_TOKEN&office_id=OFFICE_ID" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'